Let There Be Water: Israel’s Solution for a Water-Starved World
Let There Be Water is one of the most successful books ever written on the topic of water. In addition to being a New York Times bestseller, rights to the book were snapped up by publishers around the world. The book is out in more than 20 languages covering more than 50 countries. Let There Be Water has won praise from Michael Bloomberg, Tony Blair, and Nobel laureates Shimon Peres and Juan Manuel Santos, along with many other leaders from around the world.
In addition to being a highly readable and comprehensive analysis of coming global water scarcity, Let There Be Water also came to be seen as an alternative history of Israel. Telling the story of how Israel transformed a desert into a blooming nation, and, in the process, became a global hub of water technology and innovation, the book routinely appears on lists of Best Books about Israel.
As water scarcity continues to worsen with no sign of letting up, Let There Be Water has become a must-read work for environmentalists, policy mavens, water professionals, and concerned citizens.
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